Making Bassoon Reeds is Easy!
Making bassoon reeds is very easy! Fiddily yes, but difficult - no. This bassoon reed making guide has 90 photos of individual steps making it simple and clear to follow its instructions. read more...
Making bassoon reeds is very easy! Fiddily yes, but difficult - no. This bassoon reed making guide has 90 photos of individual steps making it simple and clear to follow its instructions. read more...
Making bassoon reeds is very easy! Fiddily yes, but difficult - no. This bassoon reed making guide has 90 photos of individual steps making it simple and clear to follow its instructions.
With a few simple tools (no expensive or complicated machinery) and some gouged, shaped and profiled cane (which you can buy from HERE) making your first bassoon reed is genuinely easy! It is fiddly and it is likly that the first couple will go slightly off course but you will soon get the hang of it you'll find it very easy. Once you start playing on your own reeds you'll find all bought reeds infirior due to the reeds you make being specially made to suit your own needs.
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